Thursday, December 5, 2013

From Abebyou

A candid note from one of the Club Anbesa boys.
Here is Abebyou greeting me and telling me about the housing situation (and rain), school, and the food program we are trying to start. He is among the most dramatic of our boys.
A face and voice with a name.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Are you called?

This is a note to you to encourage you.
I am not that old, I have virtually no income, do not live a fairy tale life.
I was a giant mess when God called me. I mean giant mess!
12 years ago Jesus called me quite plainly.  "Go" he said.
Many jounies and years later God once again called me to  go to Ethiopia.  This time after life crushing events and with a small son.

God called. He said "go"... yes, with no church family behind me, no husband to lead me, and no money to provide for me... even with no clear plan of why I was going, I was told to go.

The pasport for my son miraculously was granted, the money for plane tickets miraculously showed up. My son amazingly handled the 30 hour jouney quite well.

"Be my wittness, I will send them to you" was the only plan/mission I was given.

Jesus had to be my focus, after all it is He who is the way the truth and life, nothing else.

I guess I should not be surprisd as I am prone to pride that I did not begin some huge earth shattering ministry full of bling, videos, fund raising propaganda and all that jazz, but what God did do was amazing, at least to me.

I went with nothing. I arived, and I was told immediately that I would face many trials, but "I will be with you and will use you"

I cannot recount the endless trials from harassing messages threatning to kidnap my son to body lice, fleas, sickness, bedbugs, blood sugar sickness, hunger, malnutrition, and heart problems... not to mention social stresses and having little money.

We spent days wanderingnthe streets. Street boys would follow us. I wasn't sure what we were doing. We got them a ball and watched them play.

They fought a lot. They were more than a little rough. I saw them steal, lie, and run around without clothes.

In the beginning they would ask me for things. I told them no. We tried to communicate,  they played with Zeru. He did not appreciate the way they picked on him.

We began to recognize the true street boys from the regular boys. It was not always easy to distinguish by looks alone in this country with different social standards.

Day after day we would spend watching the boys play ball. Week after week. Month after month.

We got to know their names, their characters,  their traits: good and bad. We got to know them.

In 5 months they went from physical fights every day to verbal resolution and organizing themselves fairly and peaceably.
They started caring more fir those around them. They started to have respect for each other,  others,  and themselves.

What is amazing is that they became ours, and we became theirs.  They would protect us, get ofended when people treated us as foreigners,  and even fed us when we were hungry. Yes the homeless street boys fed us, and bought us things. We cried when we finally left.

We spent holidays with them and instructed them and most important, 
I was a witness of Jesus, and he sent them to me.

When we left for America we did not leave them, we were not finished, during that time we made a club. There are 2 homes being rented, character changes, love, business start ups, school enrollment.

I love those boys, Club Anbesa. They love us.
I am just a girl with a son who was called to go, and I went. God did all the rest. He still does. Somehow the boys are still growing and meeting. Somehow God provides enough for me to send each month for them to keep their homes, replace poped balls, and stay in school.

Are you called? Pray, trust, obey. It's God's job to donthe real work, it's our job to be there so he can do it. If God used me, he will use you, but not if you don't obey the call.

Thank you for reading a small part of my testimony.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Food Program a GO!

Can you help us?

Our monthly projected food program cost is $65

I will send out the $40 to start up this program this month, plus the $35 for the boys training jersies.

I will also send out the $65 for the first month's program costs...

As well as the $125 + $9 sending fee which is sent out every month for other general uses.

After this month our club Savings will be down to $0

Can you help in the upcoming months to provide a meal for the boys attending school?

It will provide a small income also for the boys who do the work.

It will help the boys who are now enrolled in school... in school.

It will unite the boys of Club Anbesa

It will show the love of Christ by caring for the lambs.

If the program goes well, we may be able to turn it into a small business start up also for the boys.

To donate, go to:

* This food program never got off the ground. One reason was funding, unfortunately, but the bigger was mismanagement of funds in general- the proposed budget was not per month, but rather per week, which was neither feasible at the time, or logical for cost. We are still trying to re-structure both the food program and Club Anbesa for more transparency on the ground and better management.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Food program projection & boys first day!

Manager Yibe has contacted me with the latest update on food program projected costs.

Here is the short version of our monthly projected costs to feed the 15 boys who are now enrolled in school, plus their monthly school fees.

4 of the older boys were able to register in grade 2 and 11 younger boys registered in grade 1. Their first day was yesterday! Combined their monthly fees are only $13, plus small costs for additional pens, etc. as need arises (this will come out of the small money we send extra every month)

Now for the food program. We have discussed with the coach and boys about a program to feed the students so they are not tempted to leave school (to work, or because of hunger) which has happened in the past with some of the boys who had gotten education opportunities)

This will cost approximately $40 to start the program (for stove, dishes, etc.) and about $65 to run month to month.

The neat thing about this program is that the club boys will prepare the food and do all the work, and get paid for their work. This will feed the 15 students. This is only a projected cost, and a pilot program.

Please praise God with us that we are able to have a roll in these boy's lives and pray that the love of Jesus will be revealed more and more in the boys' hearts. Also that we will be able to implement this new plan to ensure further sustainable future for Club Anbesa!

(If the plan goes well, we may be able to turn it into a business or income generating project!)

Also pray that the boys are successful in school to give them more sustainable opportunities for their future and for their community acceptance!

To Donate to this project, click on the "Donate" button and mention what you would like your funds to go towards. To find out more about how Club Anbesa is doing or financial specifics on this or other projects, email Christina at

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Matwes Photos!

Here is Matwes in yellow shining manager Yibe's shoes. This is his second job which he has financed himself!
He has also expanded his little box of goods for sale to a whole table of goods for sale!

Look at this wonderful face. He is so honest and a good kid. He has just enrolled in primary school where he will study.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


This is relevant to Club Anbesa only as it may have an impact on the club's future.

I have decided to begin flight training to become equipped for missionary aviation. This, of course, would have a benefit for Club Anbesa perhaps on several levels.

One: more income to make a bigger impact

Two: more frequent visits, oversight, work, and supply delivery

Three: possible training for the boys which could impact their future employment.

PLUS we will be able to go beyond just the one group of Ethiopian street kids, and we could make a difference in more lives at more times for less money. this would be a huge deal. We could fly out a group of people for short term missions to visit the boys even.

More updates coming as they happen.

Food and school...

Today I have received an update from the Club Anbesa boys!

Several of the boys have registered for classes yesterday and today, more will register tomorrow!

Manager Yibe is discussing with Coach Amara about starting the feeding program for the boys to eat before class.

The box we sent out should be arriving very soon!

One boy, Tariku, needs your prayers especially. He has not been participating well, and been irresponsible with the opportunities and mercies been given to him. We are effectively giving him a 2 week period to shape up or be penalized as many boys wait their chance for opportunity while this one boy squanders his chance month after month and warning after warning.

It will be good whatever the turn out as all the Club will see that we take their hard work seriously.

New pictures coming soon of the boys!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Write a letter!

Do you have a heart for the least of these?
Legessa with Abene

We have 18 active boys participating in Club Anbesa at this time. All we do for these boys is supported by generous donations from normal people just like you!

Even if you cannot donate money, we would appreciate your prayers and now even write a short note of encouragement to the boys!

Legessa out in front

Some of the boys on our roster who could really use some encouragement:

Legessa: This young man is about 13 years old. He has tried to live in a housing program before, but it did not work for him. He is mild mannered, soft spoken, and very sweet. And of all the boys his honesty really stands out!

Ababyou: this young man must be around 14 years old now. For his full story check out this link! Send him a note of encouragement!

Big Matwes: There are two Matwes' on the Club. One is the smallest member and one is the tallest member. Big Matwes has, as I have been bragging and reporting, been very amazing!
He has taken the opportunity we have given him and thrived beyond expectation! He is a gentle and hard working young man, determined to make something of himself. He also loves God. He is just a wonderful boy.

Matwes with his new business.
Send a SHORT note of encouragement to these boys! (they will have to be translated, so please write legibly or type, and keep it to a minimum.)
Send notes to

Club Anbesa
C/O Christina Daumer
6855 S. Versailles Way
Aurora, CO


Yibekal Assefa
PO Box 2035


We sent off our formal request for uniform donation to adidas this past week!
We are praying and asking God's favor that the boys will get some uniforms! While we had been fund raising for the uniforms, they are very expensive for all the boys, plus name and number printing, shipping, etc.

But uniforms are not the only thing we are working on...

We are registering all the boys in school. Some are opting for night school so they can continue to work in the day. Some are choosing day school, which requires a uniform, and they will have the challenge of finding time to work.
We are discussing with the boys a place for them to prepare and eat food once a day on school days. We will provide money each month for them to prepare this meal and the boys will over time contribute to the meal.

All these things are in the works!

Mulukan who was previously housed and had a booming business has paid back his business and moved on with his new profitable business! Though he is no longer on club Anbesa, we are happy and proud that this young man went from sleeping on the street with nothing to a profitable business and living on his own!

Berikut has moved into the home in his place and we are in the process of setting him up with his own business.

Little Tariku has been struggling to pay rent on time, and we are evaluating his situation. He has a small business, but is not as active as the other boys. please pray for our wisdom as we consider and decide what is the best plan of action with this young man!

We are paying Coach Amara more money these days as his work load has picked up and his responsibility is greater.

many of the boys have been searching for housing, but there are so few rooms for rent these days. Please pray for success and funds for this.

Things are constantly moving and growing within Club Anbesa!

Big Matwes has a business and home. He has paid rent on time every month and his rent has increased twice (now 70 bir per month) He is my success story.

Matwes has taken his business and grown it and even started a second business with his profits! A boy on the street growing into a man in society! We are proud beyond words for this young man! He will begin school this month and get an education. He will go far!

More updates to come soon!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Just a uniform

It is just a uniform. It is just a tangible sign of real hope.

It has been 5 months since Zeru and I left Ethiopia, and left the boys, many crying at our going, but with a hope of a better future.

In everything we had done those many months on the ground with this rag-tag group of street boys, the one thing we hoped to leave behind was hope. Hope for their future, hope for a better life, hope for acceptance, love, and a hope of hope.

One of the most amazing things we were able to wittiness while with the boys was the first set of 12 uniforms we were able to get for a portion of the club. The cheap uniforms with poor printing were received with such enthusiasm and excitement.

More than a uniform. It was a symbol of belonging. A sign that they were a real club. A token of pride.

Of all the requests I get from the boys, the first one is always "when will we get our new uniforms?"

Many of the boys never received uniforms, and those who did have worn theirs out waiting for better quality ones.

Life on the streets of Ethiopia is unique. The soil erodes through fibers and even new clothes rarely last longer than a couple weeks. It was amazing how well the club members kept their uniforms as clean and cared for a s possible. Proudly suiting up before practice and changing afterwards to keep the color sharp.

Some of the boys would wash theirs regularly so they could wear it out and about because of their pride. They would state to a passerby that they were Club Anbesa.

But as one boy laments who did not receive a uniform yet "All the boys with uniforms look like part of the team, but we all need to have the uniform. We all need to belong."

Compared to all the challenges the boys on the street face, what is a simple uniform? It is a symbol of hope, and a source of pride.

Though it is just a uniform, with it the boys have the courage to conquer the world and work their way out of their situation. Without it- they are just street boys who like to play ball.

Just a uniform.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Meet Deseling

Meet Deseling.

He has recently took the place of Teshoma (though no one can replace Teshoma!)
Teshoma moved to Addis Ababa recently with a great opportunity for a job.

Deseling took over his place in the house and took over his shoe shine business.

Sometime the end of 2012 we had received enough money in donations, and set enough aside from our living money to purchase 18 pairs of shoes for the boys.

During this shoe buying 2 pairs went missing right away. It is a true and real example of why we must work with the street kids to build character, and help them grow into men of integrity.

Deseling had gotten a pair of shoes! all the boys chose their shoes that day, and the very next day a crowd of boys came to me exclaiming "Deseling is not part of our club anymore!"

I learned by a series of informants throughout the day, and into the next day that Deseling went and sold his shoes for 50 Bir (They cost about 150 bir). The club understood that this was NOT my money- but the Club Anbesa money.

Deseling used their money.

As the boys first told me, they called out to the tall teenager from down the road. He turned and ran.
He acted like a guilty person.

When the boys would see him working they would chant and shout at him. He had been ostracized.

In the beginning I was a little disappointed in the gentle boy, but afterward, when I saw the team pride of the rest of Club Anbesa I realized- in a weird way- it was a good experience.

Despite his behavior, I knew it was out of desperation and survival on the street that he accepted and then sold the shoes.

I told the boys they had to forgive their friend, and I also publically admitted him back to the Club before I left. I did however suggest he be given some task of proving his trustworthiness.

It is my understanding that his continued participation, and general good behavior has won him the trust of all his friends.

I had the opportunity to use this experience as a lesson on forgiveness, and how Jesus forgives us and gives us a second chance.

Now Deseling is in good standing with Club Anbesa and is working hard and being honest.

Finanacial accountability YES! REALLY!

I personal pay $125 each month for the basic costs of Club Anbesa, plus the $9 cost to send the money.

Yibekal Assefa is the team manager, and he is paid $50 (900 Ethiopian Bir) per month to do all the work on the ground.

Volunteer Coach Amara also began receiving about $5.60 per month (100 Ethiopian Bir)

The Club rents 2 homes, one with 2 boys, another with 3 boys. these boys pay a small amount toward rent. The sent money covers the remainder.

The housed boys also have received small business start ups, and pay a small amount week by week to coach Amara which is held for the next set of boys to receive business start ups.

The sent money also supplies replacement balls, emergency clinic visits, and holiday celebrations.

*usually the 294 birr ball is purchased monthly, but recently the Club purchased a higher quality ball at the price of 700 birr. We hope it lasts at least 3 months!

Additional donations have left us with a balance which is being used for sending the boys to school, furnishing the next rented house (house number 3), and other upcoming expenses.

We also have about $200 in cash set aside for new uniforms. The cost of new uniforms is very high, so until we have more it will stay in savings.

$1 aprox = 18 Ethiopian Birr

Club Anbesa


Monthly financial report

March 31 20013 G.C

Reporting to  Christina demur  head/owner  of club Anbesa


General  Income

Income Source
Acct  No       
In dollar / $/
From kids  /Rent /
Receive BY postal From Christina                                   




Purples of  Expanse
Acct  No       
In dollar / $/UD/
Rent  expanse/ two  home/
Health expanse  /Tariku /
Purchasing expanse /boll  /
Incentive  expanse  
 For boll repair






Monthly financial report

April 30 20013 G.C

Reporting to  Christina demur  head of club Anbesa


General  Income

Income Source
Acct  No       
In dollar / $/
Balance from March 31/2013
From kids  /for Rent /




Purples of  Expanse
Acct  No       
In dollar / $/UD/
Rent  expanse/ two  home/
Health expanse  /for small dawet /
Purchasing expanse /boll  /
Salary expanse  
 Holiday Ester lunch expanse
Muslins expanse
Balance 3729.52



Balance in Hand  3729 .52 




Monthly financial report

May  31 20013 G.C

Reporting to  Christina demur  head of club Anbesa


General  Income

Income Source
Acct  No       
In dollar / $/
Balance from  April 30 20013 G.C
From kids  /for Rent /



Purples of  Expanse
Acct  No       
In dollar / $/UD/
Rent  expanse/ two  home/
Purchasing expanse / Quite boll  /
 For Yiba Incentive expanse  
Business  Report
For Couch  Amhar/CDA/ Incentive expanse  
Balance 2769.27


Balance in Hand  2769 .27 







Monthly financial report

Jun  30 20013 G.C

Reporting to  Christina demur  head of club Anbesa

General  Income

Income Source
Acct  No       
In dollar / $/
Balance from May 31/2013
From kids  /for Rent /




Purples of  Expanse
Acct  No       
In dollar / $/UD/
Rent  expanse/ two  home/
Purchasing expanse / Quilt boll  /
 For Yiba Incentive expanse  
For Couch  Amhar/CDA/ Incentive expanse  
Balance 2447.62



Balance in Hand  2447 .62 


Collecting  cash from  the Kids  not list this report b/c of  depend on their saving  time .