Wednesday, March 19, 2014

And then there were 11

We began with a rag tag group of boys who met to play football several times a week, and also spent time together on holidays.

When I left Ethiopia, Club Anbesa consisted of about 24 boys, and waivered between 18 and 30 depending on how we determined "club member"

After some big managment changes, and a year after I have left, everything looks different.

There are 11 boys, 10 of which have originaly met with the Anbesa Boys (9 of the boys ARE original Anbesa boys, I think Beli is 8th from left, I know him, but his name escapes me)

From Left to Right Mekuria (new club member), Berikut, Matwes (tinish), Tariquing, Asaye, Ababyou, Abene, Beli (I think, I have to double check that), Desilign, Legesa, Turbo.

What has happened to the other boys? I am not sure, but I would not doubt the idea of orginized, structured living may have turned them. Or maybe new management, or maybe a shift in focus. I can only speculate.

While things are NOT going the way I had hoped exactly, things are indeed happening! We will see where they continue to go.

Here is an update from Ashenafi about a week ago:

1st the boys that will enter in the new home is those who displayed on "Abesa club" web pag (the 11 boys). and the house is mulugbi and no House owner we are the one watching over them. ya of curse they need to have food but what we planed is we will purchase them weakly asbeza (food materials) like, oil, tomato potato,vegetable...., then we set a group and a program schedule for boys to cook in shift not only this we will give them homely responsibility like cleaning program that will be three days a week they wash their body, clothe, and every day at the early morning they should clean the house and the whole compound this also done in shift. After they will go to school and back for lunch their will be one group cooking food. then the rest half day they can make a business. Ever 5day from 5pm-8pm their will have tutorial and academical studies beside this we always keep prayer and bible study. their is also foot ball and some other game playing program spatially at the week.their is some one should work the social worker that always watching them and their activities day by day so, please don't worry about their life change responsibility, accountability because we all have been work with before. we have really great care for that. normally we have been doing on boys activity plan schedule so I will sent you the "BOYS ACTIVITY SCHEDULE"

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