Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The pay it forward plan

There has been a recent update on the small business start ups which have just begun this week!

Originally the boys were to pay back 90% of the cost of their start up within a time frame, and that money would be used to benefit the next boy. I had the privilege to video chat with the boys today (though the video part was black and fuzzy) to speak to the boys ways a joy and to hear the excitement in their voices proved the success of the business start up so far anyway.

But the idea that they came up with was this: (Much credit was given to  the volunteer coach) That each boy set aside 5 bir each day for 7 weeks (which would be approximately what they would owe) and that 175 bir would go directly to help the next boy in line. This would be 5 new business start ups after only 7 weeks! (A portion would be added to that from the donation fund we have)

I was so excited to hear that the team discussed and came up with this plan! This shows that they are THINKING in general, THINKING for each other, and PLANNING in a responsible way.

It shows good character and suture sustainability.

NOW before I get too excited, this is all new to them, and honestly ANYTHING can happen in the days, weeks, and months to come, but I am hopeful at their eager pursuit and trust that God will help them.

Thank you for your prayers and donations which are truly making a visible immediate impact on the future lives of these boys.

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